Train from Frankfurt to Nuremberg - 12/21 (2.25 hours, ticket prices vary)

Nuremberg - 12/21

*Nuremberg can be a day trip only, just to break up travel time between Frankfurt and Munich. The town is small enough that you can see a lot of it in a day; however, there is a LOT of history here, this is one of my favorite places we visited. If you think you would like a small historic town better than Frankfurt, I would consider cutting Frankfurt out and taking the longer train ride to spend a few days here.

  • Leisure: Explore the city on your own
  • Medieval Dungeons: Exactly what it sounds like, this is SO cool. They are not clear about the price of admission.
  • Nuremberg Castle: Also called "The Kaiserburg"; tour the 11th century castle, entrance fee around €7
  • Frauenkirche Church: tour the 14th century gothic church, possibly free admission
  • St. Lorenz Church: tour the 13th century gothic church, possibly free admission
  • Nazi Rally Grounds